Saturday, June 1, 2013

Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo), NW 4th and Burnside
Contacts:  Trillium Shannon   503-734-4778  or Grant Swanson  503-754-9397

Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo) is an inspiring community on the corner of NW 4th and Burnside. On October 10th, 2011, a vacant lot was transformed into a place where people without housing could find shelter in tents and sleep safely. Over the past year and a half, Dreamers have used their skills and talents to create a self governing rest area, where people can stay for one night or as long as it takes to find housing.  They have volunteered their time to keep each other safe, wash sleeping bags, redistribute extra food and clothing, provide help navigating the social service maze, testify in front of city governments, organize fundraisers, and celebrate the successes that come from supporting one another and being supported.  

A fence of doors zig zag along Burnside, creating a barrier for privacy and safety.  Many who walk by wonder if it is purely art.  But these doors are much more than that.  They symbolize home, they help sustain the rest area as sponsors donate to paint them, and they provide a shield from the rain and wind.  

During the VBC, Right 2 Dream Too invites you to dream with us.  We will use reclaimed materials to revamp the fence of doors, and create tiny gardens which will support the fence structure and provide fresh food for the Dreamers.  We also are rebuilding our office, where Dreamers can use computers to look for work, write grants, take online classes, communicate with loved ones, etc.

*Work parties*
Sunday, May 26th thru Thursday, May 30th 11-5pm

*Open Workshops*
We invite you to share skills and cross pollinate with our community.  We will set up a space during each work day for formal or informal workshops at Right 2 Dream Too.  Come and learn from us and we will learn from you.  Special needs we have:  greywater management, container gardening, mobile shelters.  Workshops will be announced onsite and at:

Sunday, June 2nd - Doors of Opportunity Painting Party, 11-4pm
Sponsor and paint a door to support R2Dtoo.  We will also be giving tours and celebrating our hard work during the VBC.  We will be joined at 2pm by a class of 3rd graders from Creative Science School, painting their own door.

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